There is a growing appreciation that streets should not just be corridors for traffic, but rather should be places in which people want to live and spend time. Streets also need to facilitate more sustainable forms of transportation such as walking, cycling and public transport so the need for car-borne trips is minimised in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote healthier lifestyles. In recognition of these objectives, the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, together with the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government commissioned the preparation of the Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS).
DMURS seeks to put well-designed streets at the heart of sustainable communities and supports boarder government policies on the environment, planning and transportation. DMURS provides the practical measures to achieve:
Highly connected street which allow people to walk and cycle to key destinations in a direct and easy-tofind manner.
A safe and comfortable street environment for pedestrians and cyclists of all ages.
Streets that contribute to the creation of attractive and lively communities.
Streets that calm traffic via a range of design measures that make drivers more aware of their environment.
In 2010 a Project Team, consisting of staff from Cork, Fingal, Kildare and South Dublin County Council’s was assembled to produce DMURS. DMURS was launched on 25th March 2013 by Mr. Leo Varadkar, T.D., Minister for Transport Tourism and Sport and by Ms. Jan O’Sullivan, T.D., Minister for Housing and Planning at the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government at an event held at the Civic Theatre in Tallaght.
DMURS replaces existing national design standards that will be used throughout all urban areas in Ireland when designing/upgrading roads and streets. The use of DMURS is mandatory for all road authorities (Circular RW 6/2013) and (PL 17/2013) applies to all Roads and Streets in Urban Areas (except where specified).